4 Must-See hotel Attractions in Macau

Under the sun, Macau bares its spirit in its mosaic-art cobblestone streets flanked with historical Portuguese colonial buildings, calming parks, and long-standing temples. but as soon as the sun starts hiding under the horizon, Macau transforms into a completely different creature — much more alive and definitely kicking! At nightfall, the city is ruled by neon lights that hypnotize and draw the crowd towards the dynamic and energetic resort hotels.

Macau‘s high-end hotels offer not only accommodations but also a broad range of entertainment forms. From its exhibits and shows, these world-class hotels have become attractions on their own. After all, Macau is home to the most significant hotels in the world, even dwarfing their counterparts in Las vegas and Atlantic City. They also house shops of a number of high-end brands where you can shop for clothes, jewelry, and accessories.

Wynn hotel and MGM during the day
Wynn hotel at night
The finest thing about these hotels is that they offer free shuttle services from essential traveler areas throughout the city. They are easily available from the airport or the ferry terminals. You just requirement to browse for the buses to the hotel you desire to visit. here are four of these hotel resorts that are worth a look!

Co je uvedeno v této příručce?

The Venetian
Město snů
Wynn resort Hotel
Grand Lisboa
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The Venetian

Describing the Venetian Macao without the help of superlatives is difficult because everything about it screams topnotch. had by the Las vegas Sands Corporation, it is a great deal larger than its sibling in Vegas. poškrábej to. It is the largest casino in the world according to Businessweek. Spanning an area of around 10 million square foot, it is Asia’s biggest single hotel building and the world’s sixth largest building.

venetian macao architecture
The Venetian Macau
The Venetian Macau
Although famous for its 3000-room hotel and 3000-machine entertainment gaming area, it is also commonly understood for its design and design, which is modeled after the Italian city of Venice. It even homes a Grand Canal, where guests can enjoy a gondola trip around the area while gondoliers entertain them with a song. You’ll also find much more than 600 duty-free shops, 30 restaurants, and a number of theaters. during my visit, The Human Bodies exhibition and the Titanic Exhibition were on but I wasn’t able to inspect them out. here are some pics I took at The Venetian.

Main lobby of the Venetian
A gondola inside the Venetian Macau
Venetian Food Court
The sky is NOT real. It’s just the ceiling. #Úžasný

Město snů

Standing opposite the Venetian, City of dreams is another crowd-drawer at Cotai Strip. Taking the form of a giant podium, it has four towers Crown Towers Hotel, hard rock Hotel, and the two towers of Grand Hyatt. aside from its hotels and shops, it is prominent for its numerous water-themed attractions such as the Vquarium (at its primary lobby), the Bubble (where the Dragon’s Treasure show is shown), and the house of dancing Water (the largest water performance show in the world).

City of dreams Macau
Of these three attractions, I was able to experience only two. The house of dancing Water was as well expensive for me and would destroy our already chaotic schedule. The most affordable ticket at the time of my go to was HKD480 (roughly PHP2500).

The Vquarium is available to everyone for free. It appears like a genuine aquarium at first glance up until you see some mermaids appearing and disappearing from time to time. It’s easy to area this because it is showcased at the hotel lobby. When I was there, it was a struggle to find a good area because of the number of tourists attempting to take a picture against this spectacular background.

The Bubble is a dome-shaped movie theater particularly developed for the Dragon’s Treasure multimedia show. I had no expectations about this show. I saw some YouTube videos of the show before getting here, and I believed it was just nice. but seeing it online was phenomenal. It was breathtaking. I was taken into the wonderful world of the four dragons. The show was crazy good! It did not feel like I was viewing it; it was much more like I was in it! exactly how the characters just flew by, over, and around the movie theater was so thrilling and spectacular at the exact same time! youngsters and adults alike will absolutely enjoy this! It was my favorite moment of the whole Macau leg of this trip!

Inside the Bubble. Fireworks, a scene from the Dragon’s Treasure show
The world of Dragons!
Jellyfish Invasion!
One of the very best parts of the show: a giant octopus devouring the dome!

Wynn resort Hotel

Wynn hotel was our extremely last stop in Macau. We took a long walk from Senado Square and the St. Paul Ruins to get here. It had been a long day of walking, walking and much more walking, and if our knEES mohl mluvit, oni by se na nás s největší pravděpodobností neustále proklínali. Bohužel pro naše kolena jsme byli identifikováni, abychom se dostali do našeho posledního cíle.

K dosažení Wynn jsme použili podchod z oblasti Grand Lisboa. Když jsme se vynořili z tunelu, chytili jsme velkolepý pohled na Macau Tower a Sai Van Bridge (Ponte de Sai Van), který spojuje poloostrov Macau s ostrovem Taipa.

Macau Tower na konci Sai Van Bridge
Když jsme dorazili do hotelu Wynn, můj bratranec objevil před primárním vchodem velký bazén a zeptal se mě, k čemu to je. Pochopení toho, co to bylo přesně, jsem odpověděl: „Uvidíte“ a usmál se. Během několika minut se bazén proměnil v osvětlenou fontánu a začal tančit na hlasitou hudbu, která hrála v této oblasti. Bylo to fantazijní, nejméně uvést! Můj bratranec a já jsme zůstali beze slova při pohledu na vodní tanec, vytvářeli tvary a ukázali se na něj pulzující světla.

Tančící fontána ve Wynn Macau
Flash nefungoval!
Taneční fontána začíná fascinující hosty v 19:00 a končí ve 12mid-noci v 15minutových intervalech. To znamená, že hraje každých 15 minut a skvělá věc na tom je, že se zdrží přesně stejného čísla dvakrát, alespoň ne během dne! Uvnitř Wynn Tower je strom prosperity, který jsme tu noc neviděli.

Grand Lisboa

58 patro a 261 metrů Grand Lisboa je nejvyšší budova v Macau. Dostavuje 430 prostorů a apartmány a 800 stolů hromadných hazardních her a 1000 slotů. Hvězda Stanley Ho, „největší polštář na světě ve tvaru interně dokonalého D-Color Diamond“, je na dlouhodobém displeji uvnitř.

Světla! Světla!
Kasino Lisboa Macau
Macau je v noci monstrum. Popadne vás a vezme vás z běžného moderního futuristického města do mnohem živějšího a temperamentního světa, jakmile zasáhne soumraku. Zatímco někteří mohou tvrdit, že všechna neonová světla a megastruktury vysávají klidnou atmosféru Macau, všechny blesky a bedazzlementy daly městu schizofrenický charakter, přičemž obě tváře zachytily dva konce spektra. Najdete něco, co se vám bude líbit na Macau? Vsaď si na to.

Jak se tam dostat: Ať už přicházíte z letiště nebo z trajektového terminálu, najdete autobusy /raketoplány, které vás mohou zdarma zavést do těchto hotelů.

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